Everyday Health Life

All About Paris Hilton Beauty Secrets

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Paris Hilton Beauty Secrets has it all: beauty, fame, money, charisma and, in addition, a great passion for the world of fashion and business. He discovers the latest beauty news from him and the beauty secrets of this girl.

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What is the Story behind Gold Rush?

I wanted to create a fragrance based on emotions. In this case, a feeling that drives you is the adrenaline that runs through your body when you meet someone.

What makes it different from the others?

It is different. It is much more sophisticated, elegant and romantic, with a sensual aroma. The bottle is super sexy. It looks beautiful anywhere.

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What do you enjoy doing the most?

I love everything I do, but I like the most being a businesswoman since it encompasses a bit of everything: fashion, beauty and travelling; This inspires me to be better every day.

How do you take care of your skin daily?

Since I was a child, my mom taught me the importance of taking care of my skin. She continuously removes my makeup before I go to sleep and applies eye cream, serum and moisturizer. Also, I avoid the sun.

What are the makeup products that can not be missing from your bag?

The lipgloss and false eyelashes.

Share your secret to looking fresh every day, even with your lifestyle.

I travel constantly, so I get as much sleep as possible and apply hydrating masks to my face all the time. I also drink a lot of water.

How do you achieve the perfect selfie?

I have two tips: first, define “the angle”.  Second, look for good lighting. And, of course, have lots of practice! Find the pose with which you feel most comfortable and beautiful.

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What is the best beauty advice you have ever received, and who gave it to you?

My mom always told me to take care of the sun since I was a child. I feel fortunate to have listened to her because, thanks to that, I am 100% natural. I have never needed to do any plastic surgery.

I recommend using spray tans or lotions and, if exposed to the sun, protect your face with a large hat or sunscreen, without exception.

Tell us, what does the concept of “beauty” mean to you and its importance?

It is not only about the physical. It also counts the people’s interior. When someone is beautiful inside, he shines on his own and transmits positive, radiant energy throughout his being.

It is not enough to be beautiful on the outside. There must be a balance between inside and outside.

Paris Hilton Beauty Routine

Paris Hilton’s secret to having twenty-something skin is effortless: since she was a child, her mother told her to take care of the sun. Therefore, even though she is a public figure and has had musical events on countless beaches, she always wears sunscreen and big hats to protect herself.

In addition, she has turned to beauty products from her ProD—NA Skincare line to achieve incredible results.

Now you know that you can have healthy skin by including sunscreen in your beauty routine and staying protected from the sun as much as possible.

How to Compliment Paris Hilton Beauty Secrets Routine?

Although Paris Hilton has a “simple” beauty routine, you can incorporate other care that complements sunscreen to have even faster and more spectacular results.

We recommend the following routine to lighten and remove blemishes from your face:

To prevent the appearance of skin blemishes, incorporate these products into your beauty routine :

  • Natural ingredients facial cleanser
  • natural serum
  • natural face peeling
  • Natural depigmenting cream

Perform this routine for 28 days since that is the time it takes for the skin to regenerate.  Many prestigious brands with affordable prices will surely provide you with an option that suits your possibilities and needs. You can buy these products individually or by kit.

If you want to reinforce your skin’s protective barrier, do not forget to have a balanced diet of foods rich in vitamins A and C, such as carrots!

With these products and the recommendations of Paris Hilton, you will achieve a powerful beauty routine to show off skin that is always young and radiant.

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