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Everyday Health Life

How to Instilling Healthy Habits In Your Children

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Healthy habits, such as education, are acquired at home: food, hygiene, exercise and, of course, sharing moments with the family to lay the foundation for our communication and teach children our values.

Decalogue of Healthy Habits

  1. Automate breakfast, lunch and dinner Set the most suitable foods for each meal and time of day.
  2. Buy healthy food You will create a good habit in children if when they are hungry it is what they find at home to eat.
  3. Do not go hungry To maintain a healthy weight we must eat several times a day. Fruit or dairy products are recommended between meals, for example.
  4. Personal hygiene Children from an early age should brush their teeth at least twice a day. You also have to get them used to washing their hands before each meal and teach them to shower properly.
  5. Hydrate properly Drink fluids throughout the day, especially plenty of water, and hydrate well before and after exercising.
  6. 20 minutes of exercise a day Walk, skate, ride a bike, climb stairs… You don’t have to go to the gym to be in shape.
  7. Play and make plans as a family Reserve sometime each day to play and make the games as active as possible. At the weekend make plans together.
  8. Have dinner (or breakfast) together every day Take the opportunity to tell you about the things of the day. Turn off the TV and leave phones and tablets out of reach.
  9. Read before going to bed Create the habit in children of reading before going to sleep by telling them stories in bed from an early age.
  10. Get adequate sleep Children aged 5 to 12 years should sleep between 10 and 12 hours a night, and adults and adolescents around 7 or 8 hours.

7 Essential Personal Hygiene Healthy Habits

Acquiring healthy hygiene habits is essential for our well-being and it is important that both at home and at school we are able to convey to children the importance of them. With good hygiene, we are preventing children from falling ill and promoting personal well-being and interpersonal relationships.

1. The child must have all the necessary tools for cleaning

This is the first step in getting him used to wearing them. Since they are very young, children must have their own toothbrush and toothpaste, comb, soap, towels… and feel responsible for them. In addition to the ones he has at home, we have to get him used to carrying a small daily toiletry bag with at least a toothbrush and toothpaste, especially if he eats at school.

2. Hand and Nail washing is a Healthy Habits

Hands are one of the most important vehicles for transmitting infections, so we have to pay close attention to keeping them clean at all times. They must learn to wash themselves properly with soap and water, especially before handling food and eating, after touching animals, before and after going to the bathroom and, of course, whenever they are dirty. It is advisable to start this habit and routine between 12 and 18 months, helping them so that little by little they can do it independently.

3. Daily shower or bath

If we make bath time fun, it will not be difficult for us to establish a routine. As they grow we have to teach them how to wash each part of their body well so that they acquire autonomy. It is preferable that the bath is at night and at the same time, before dinner.

4. Hair

It is not necessary to wash your hair every day, but it is necessary to keep it neat. To do this, we must teach children to brush their hair every day and, if they have long hair, to comb it. When they are old enough to start washing, they have to learn to lather it up and, above all, rinse it properly so that there are no soap residues left. Although their autonomy must be encouraged, we will have to be attentive for some time and supervise that they have washed their hair properly.

5. Teeth

Brushing teeth after each meal is a fundamental habit that children must learn from an early age to prevent cavities, bad breath and possible diseases. In about 18 months we can teach them only with the brush so that they are making contact and from the age of 3 they can use special toothpaste for children. We will have to be on top so that they do not forget to brush their teeth and supervise that they do it correctly, the most important being brushing before going to sleep since it is at night when the proliferation of bacteria is most active. Dentists advise that the process last around 10 minutes. These are the steps for a correct brushing:

Move the brush back and forth in short movements, going well along the gum line.
Use the same motion to brush the outer, inner, and chewing surfaces of your teeth.
Use one stroke to brush the tongue, inner cheeks, and the roof of the mouth. Brush tooth by tooth in gentle circular motions. Floss to clean the space between your teeth.

In this age of increasing awareness about the importance of oral hygiene and its connection to overall health, home water flossers have gained popularity as an effective and convenient way to maintain optimal dental wellness. With regular use, they can contribute to a cleaner, healthier mouth and a brighter smile, all from the comfort and convenience of one’s home.

6. The nose

Colds, allergies, and colds produce mucus, and too much of it can clog your nostrils and make it hard to breathe. To remove mucus, we must teach children to blow their noses, always carry clean handkerchiefs and avoid touching their noses with dirty hands.

7. Toilet hygiene

When children begin to go to the bathroom on their own, they have to learn to clean themselves well since the genitals, being so close to the urine and faeces exit holes, are a part of the body that requires special attention. After defecating, you have to clean yourself well, using enough toilet paper so that there are no remains (the last piece of used paper should be clean). Girls should wipe backwards so as not to drag residual stool into the vagina. After using the toilet, pull the chain and check that it is clean. Immediately wash your hands with soap and water to avoid infectious diseases.